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HELP BUILD THE DIGITAL CARPENTER OF EUROPE Find your dream job FIND YOUR JOB Open application Can’t find your dream job among our vacancies? We are always ready to receive people with passion and talent.

Planet und Gesellschaft

LEARN MORE ON Our responsibilities on Environment, Social and Governance As a large-scale international company, our activities have social effects. So we reflect on the consequences our processes have at all our company locations; after all, sustainability can always be improved. View our annual report for a full summary of our improvements and activities in […]


LEARN MORE ON Our established brands Every brand has been carefully designed and positioned to express a uniform identity so that our products reach the right target group even more effectively. MORE BRANDS Discover more brands In addition to our power-brands, Deli Home also has products by various established labels.


EXPLORE PRODUCTS Discover our products With wood as the connecting factor between all our products, Deli Home offers a wide range of building and decorative home products, usually custom-made in our own production facilities.  An extensive range of interior & exterior doors, fittings and accessories; in other words, we offer A to Z door solutions. […]

Über uns

WHAT WE DO Our activities Beyond our conventional role as a value-added wholesaler for home improvement and builder markets, we excel in development and manufacturing across multiple categories. We guide the entire consumer journey – from inspiration and design to delivery and installation. Elevating each step across categories sets us apart, alongside our comprehensive logistics […]

Entdecken Sie Decowall Acoustic Tile Sie Decowall Acoustic Tile

Mit diesen stimmungsvollen Fliesen können Sie im Handumdrehen eine leere Wand stilvoll dekorieren.

Deli Home präsentiert die neue Generation von Bodenbelägen: COREPEL

Dieser strapazierfähige Boden ist dank seines innovativen Designs und der schönen Holzoptik die perfekte Wahl für jede Einrichtung.

LeBeton - Deli Home's neueste Treppeninnovation in Beton gegossen

Deli Home bietet jetzt auch die Renovierung einer Betontreppe an.

Deli Home's Storage Kategorie bietet Flüchtlingsunterkünften Lagermöglichkeiten

Deli Home, ein Hersteller von verschiedenen Aufbewahrungslösungen, stellte Stauraum für diese Wohnungen zur Verfügung.
