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Deli Home among the top 100 brands of 2024

We are proud to announce that Deli Home has secured a spot in the 'Merken100 2024', the list of the 100 most influential brands in the Netherlands. From 250 nominations Deli Home has managed to reach the 86th position in this new ranking. The list is compiled by trade journal Marketing Report in collaboration with […]

Deli Home has been nominated for the 'Merken100 of 2024'

We are proud to announce that we have been nominated for the 'Merken100 of 2024'. With our esteemed brands such as CanDo, Bruynzeel, Lundia, Allure, Skantrae, and Weekamp Doors, we tirelessly work towards building the 'Digital Carpenter of Europe'. The Merken100 is the list of the 100 most influential brands in the Netherlands. Brands that, […]

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Exclusive: Weekamp Deuren launches the BioComfort, the first bio-based and circular front door in the Netherlands

New sustainable front door with social impact Weekamp Deuren introduces an insulated front door that is both bio-based and circular and fits seamlessly into existing door frames, offering a unique solution for the renovation market. Weekamp Deuren proudly presents its newly developed front door, which meets the highest sustainability requirements and also has a positive […]

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Weekamp Deuren nominated for the Sustainable Innovation Award 2024

The new Biobased front door by Weekamp Deuren, the "BioComfort," has been nominated for the Sustainable Innovation Award 2024 by the jury of the Renovation & Transformation trade fair. The jury members were very impressed by the versatility of the submissions. After extensive analysis and discussion, the jury nominated 4 entries from all submissions. The […]

Deli Home nominated for prestigious Koning Willem I Award

Deli Home has received a prestigious nomination for the Koning Willem I Award in the Large Enterprise category, signifying recognition of exceptional entrepreneurship within the Dutch business community. This nomination is a recognition of outstanding entrepreneurship and is among the most prestigious awards within the Dutch business community. With a mission to build 'the Digital […]

Weekamp Deuren introduces the first KOMO-certified high quality insulated rear door

Weekamp Deuren is proud to announce the launch of the first KOMO certified insulated back door of very high quality. Weekamp Deuren's new TriComfort Insulated Back Door combines innovative materials and craftsmanship to provide optimal insulation and durability for both renovation and new construction projects. Weekamp Deuren's TriComfort Insulating Rear Door is designed with attention […]
